My Portfolio


Hello! My name is Shaun Teo. I'm a passionate and inquisitive aspiring game developer with a strong background in game design and development. I thrive on being "On the Fly" and always strive to create products I can be proud of.

Currently, I am a 3rd Year at DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore, where I have had the opportunity to design and develop several games and even craft a game engine capable of handling both 2D and 3D graphics for various modules. As a product manager for my final capstone project, GAM300, I honed my leadership and project management skills and now, I am looking for an Internship role where I can further improve myself!

And as such, Welcome to my Portfolio/Website where I will be posting and updating my past, current and furture endeavours!!

On a side note... This Website is also MY LATEST PROJECT!!!!!! What a better way to learn html and CSS by creating a website from scratch~

*Do note that the website is still relatively new as I am still inexperienced, but i will be updating it with more preoejcts and other such stuff later on!

Work Experience

Programming Intern at Gamelogic Pte Ltd

As part of self improvement to improve myself and broaden my knowledge on the development cycle of games. During my time at Gamelogic.

Worked closely with QAs, Designers and other Programmers for a game called Fishdom, an arcade fishing game where I helped implement UI and gameplay features according to the Designer's requirements as well as bug fixes spotted by the QA team.

Introduced to many Industry Standard tools, like Gitlab and the Atlasssian Softwares like Jira and Confluence. Daily scrums were common as well as Sprint Meetings every week which allowed me to furhter learn to workflow and how new features are implemented and managed.

Here you can see a quick gameplay demo!

Skills Acquired

C# Icon Lua Icon confluence Icon Jira Icon Unity Icon

Software Developer Intern at Mitsuboshi Overseas Headquarters

Worked as a closely knitted group of 4 interns to learn the processes that the workers go through and help figure out ways to digitalize the material issuing process.

Experienced the full work flow from logistics of materials and products by observing and communicating with the staff and supervisor.

One such project,the Warehouse Material Issuing System, that was developed to ensure that materials were correctly issued based on the quanitity and lot number requested had also been nominated as a finalist in the 2019 SICC Award for the Most Scalable Collaboration

The projects were developed in C#, using SQLite for Data Storage as well as Excel for other functions like printing QR Codes and forms

Skills Acquired

C# IconEmail IconEmail Icon


DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore

BS in Computer Science in Interactive Media and Game Development

Picked up comprehensive knowledge in programming languages such as C++ and C#, as well as other softwares like Unity and Figma. Github is also a commonly used throughout most projects related to programming.

Skills Acquired in Digipen

C++ Icon Jira Icon Jira Icon Unity Icon Github Icon

Temasek Polytechnic

Diploma in Computer Engineering

Learnt the basics of programming and the concept of Object-Orientated Programming. Had hands on experience with a 3D Modelling software (3DS Max) for a VR Module

Skills Acquired in Temasek Polytechnic

C++ Icon Jira Icon Unity Icon Github Icon

Lost Page

A 3D Free Roam Collecthaton

Developed using a Custom 3D Engine, you play as Bobby, a 2D Comic character stuck in a 3D World! However you don't belonghere but do not fret, you're not alone, you're best pal, Cornbread, and mad scientist Dr Kiki are also trapped with you. Can you use your paper powers to your advantage and conquear the obstacles that stannd in your way? Is there a way back? There's only one way to find out...
The Engine uses Mono C# Scripting for the gameplay mechanics with the graphics using Vulkan to render.
You can view the gameplay here!
You can view the ending here!

Image Showcase

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Developed using a Custom 2D Engine, it is a survival game where you face off against waves of enemies and bosses. But with a twist...
You are not fighting! Instead, you have to hire minions to fight for you and with the right combinations, only then will you succeed. Engine uses Mono C# Scripting
You can view the demo here!

Image Showcase

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Shop Shop Forest Castle Boss

Herald - PCG

A 2D Dungeon Crawler with a PCG Map and Enemies.

This game makes use of pre-existing assets from the original herald game but was modified a little in a way that would suit a more top down dubngeon crawler game. Every enemy has variants and you can find powerups scattered around the map to make finishing the game easier. Estimated time for finishing the whole map would be around 5 minutes without dying.

The map makes use of a random walk algorithm to generate the paths as well as the rooms. Enemies, powerups and floor tiles are all generated procedurally as well. You can Download the demo here!

Image Showcase

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Zoomout Forest Castle Boss Prep Boss


This was a short 5-8 minute single player exploration game called stranded.
Stranded was made using Unity as part of a Design Module, DES214, while I was in Digipen Redmond. All assets used were free on the Unity Asset Store, and was scripted in C#
Stranded took a total of 4 weeks to make following the timeline below.

Week 1 : Map Layout
Week 2 : Grey Boxing
Week 3 : Adding in Guidance and Textures
Week 4 : Finalizing of Level

You can Download it here!

Image Showcase

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Main Home Plane Map

Talent Management System Website

A Low-Fidelity Prototype made as part of a Design Module. The prototype was designed and drawn using an iPad on the software called ibisPaintX

Image Showcase

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Storyboard Login Page Home Page

DigiJudo Mobile App Prototype

This project involved creating a high-fidelity prototype for a mobile application as part of a design module.
The objective was to develop a user-centered prototype for DigiJudo, a judo club serving students, instructors, staff, and their children.
Our design team employed user research and iterative design methodologies to ensure the app met the needs of its diverse user base.
The final interactive prototype was crafted using Figma, highlighting our focus on usability, accessibility, and visual consistency.

View on Figma!

Image Showcase

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Login Home Booking Sessions My Bookings

You can contact me via the following platforms

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Whatsapp Icon +65 96214225

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Discord Icon xElire#1234

Discord Icon xElire